Best BorderStop

So Borders is bankrupt. No surprise, no one is saying, “oh, I didn't see it coming,” and no one is really saying much of anything. We knew thugs weren't good, we suspected the worst, and were pretty much getting it. There's just no surprise, just a kind of sadness.

So I'm asking myself this; what happens next to Borders?

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Bullestorm As Evolution

As we've seen in the last few months, I have a strange obsession with issues of originality and media. That obsession exists because we progeeks work in media, we consume media, we experiment and play with media in the form of fan fiction fan art and mods, and we improve by manipulating media. As originality is part of media and questions about the value of media, thus I obsess over it.

Also, people complain about unoriginality all the time, so by addressing it I hope to explore issues about originality, media, and consumption. Also I'm just a curious guy that will analyze anything; come on you know that by now.

One last subjects are talked about was that originality seem to be most useful to creating media sales and interest was part of the gradual evolution of a game concept, literary concept, genre, and so on. I may have just found the perfect example of a successful implementation of originality–and-gradual-evolution in the form of the game "Bulletstorm."

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What We Want In Computers Is What We Want In Games

Some time ago I wrote an essay that what people wanted in their computers was what they wanted in their neighborhoods: simple, accessible, clear. It was a strange essay, but one I think that made a point about how we often want similar things in seemly different and unrelated situations and technologies. It won't surprise you that I have another strange metaphor to yank out of the air and explore: that what we want in games is what we want in our technologies these days.

Let me back up for moment. Lately I've been trying to understand some of the trends in gaming, because frankly they don't make a lot of sense. We have an onslaught of casual games. We have vastly successful and complex MMOs. We have gaming appearing on every conceivable platform. I've wanted to get a grasp of these trends: and I think I have.

My take? That trends in computing and trends in gaming reflecting overall trend in culture and technology.

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