Way With Worlds Book 2: Prereaders needed!

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, www.SeventhSanctum.com, and Steve’s Tumblr)

After plenty of interruptions, Way With Worlds Book 2 is ready for pre-readers!  So go on, get a preview, get a chance for feedback and contact me!

This one is a shift from the first book.  The first book focused on a roughly linear set of advice on worldbuilding across various subjects.  THis one is a series of collected deep dives on various issues, arranged a bit more freeform from the specific to the general.  It covers conflicts, viewpoints, worldbuilding tools, and team effort – among other diverse subjects.  It’s definitely a companion book to #1.

So give me a write, let me know if you want a PDF copy and let’s see what you think!

– Steve

New NaNoWriMo Sale – Way With Worlds!

And with NaNoWriMo now kicking into gear, I’ve got another sale to help out my fellow creatives!

WThe Way With Worlds 1 ebook is on sale until November 7th!  It’s a chance to get a little boost in your work and think over the world’s you’re building!

Like I said I’m not doing NaNo this year, so it’s my contribution.  Still, let’s see about next year . . .

– Steve

Way With Worlds Book 1 Is Out!

Way With Worlds Book 1 is out. Go get it in print or kindle. Or both if you want.

If you’re new to the book, it’s a giant guide to worldbuilding, from philosophy of setting creation, to sex, to ecology, and more.  There’s advice, exercises, several lame jokes, and some insights that should give you a different view on creating your settings.  It’s designed to be a manual for the important points of making a setting.

After some sixteen years, this is the next stage in my efforts to bring this old work to life!  First rewrites, now books.  It’s fantastic to see this journey turn into something physical people can hold in their hands!

Certainly it’s not done yet – there’s one more book to drop in November/December (probably December). There’s some smaller followup work. But this marks that transition to the new formats.

My mind still goes back to, when in the midst of the rewrites, someone told me how they’d printed my old columns out when they were younger. It had mattered to them that much, and they remembered it that well. That turned my efforts into more of a mission.

Mission isn’t over yet. Book two drops in November/December (probably December honestly). There’s some followup works I want to do.

But today I can note the next stage of Way With Worlds has started, and it has printed pages and the smell of paper, highlighted with fond memories.

So go on, take a look. There’s thoughts on sex and religion, characters and ecology, and of course plenty of philosophy. In this age, where anyone can put out book or a comic, good worldbuilding is needed more than ever – and is where you can stand out.

– Steve

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, www.SeventhSanctum.com, and Steve’s Tumblr)