Update on Print Versions of Focused Fandom Books

I got the draft copy of Focused Fandom: Fanart, Fanartists, and Careers and plan to look it over in the next few days.  I also am queuing up Focused Fandom: Cosplay, Costuming, and Careers, but may need to figure out a thing or two about distribution.

So far I have to say that Create Space is actually working really well.  There’s one or two things that are inconvenient, but mostly it works very smooth and the quality is good.  I’ll write up my experiences at some point.

Also, I’ve come to realize that doing them JUST as e-Books was honestly a mistake.  These are the kind of books that people will give as gifts, mark up with sticky notes, etc.

Some books, simply, aren’t suited as eBooks, or only as eBooks because of reasons of practicality, culture, and indeed, personal intereaction.

In fact, in an age of eBooks, we really have to ask what a book MEANS to us – and to others – and if we’re really speaking the same language when it comes to, well, books.  That’s a fascinating subject and one I need to explore more . . .

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at http://www.fantopro.com/, nerd and geek culture at http://www.nerdcaliber.com/, and does a site of creative tools at http://www.seventhsanctum.com/. He can be reached at https://www.stevensavage.com/.

Create Space . . . Wow

Well as I continue my quest to move my Focused Fandom books to print, I’m trying out Create Space.  I just got the draft of “Cosplay, Costuming, and Careers.”  Ahem – WOW.

It’s pretty much as good as any other POD I’ve seen, which is pretty much Lulu.  Paper quality may be slightly higher.  I’ll go through it with a fine-toothed mind later this weekend, but on the surface I’m at least pretty impressed.

It’s not so much easier as it is more powerful.  The cover maker is distinctly less advanced (though theres a 3D visualizer that helps), whereas the internal inspection tool where you can see what the book would look like, which includes formatting warnings, is fantastic.  You are more likely to get a book done right the first time, overall, if you use the tools right.

So if all looks well, time to move a few other books over . . .

Update on Focused Fandom Print Versions

OK, a quick update on the Focused Fandom print versions.

I’ve got a friend trying out Create Space and getting great results, and I decided it’s time I try them out.  So I’m taking a few extra weeks to semi-start over and see if Create Space works for me.  The Lulu versions are pretty much done, but I figure it’s time I find out if this works as well as some people say.

So upshot is you’re going to have to wait 2-3 more weeks for the print versions.  Sorry about that.

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at http://www.fantopro.com/, nerd and geek culture at http://www.nerdcaliber.com/, and does a site of creative tools at http://www.seventhsanctum.com/. He can be reached at https://www.stevensavage.com/.