Progeeks, HR, and Stepping Up

HR has been an obsession of mine lately.  I've met some brilliant people in HR.  I've seen some hideous examples of HR (and my friends and family and readers tell me many more).  HR is a big area of interest of course, since a lot of people want to find some work, and HR is often the gateway.

Now I've met some great HR people.  As I've noted before, I like to let them know how great they are as probably few people are.  But I've also seen some pretty mediocre HR performance, and some that's just plain bad (seriously, getting a 'no thanks' letter six months after I started a new job?)  The good HR people will take care of themselves, but the ones that aren't so good . . . well, we have to deal with them.

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Resume-Worthy Followup!

You know that one of her favorite words around here at Fan To Pro is "resume worthy." That, of course, is our term for the kind of company that should get your resume, often because they are cool, make neat things, and of course have probably received boatloads of venture capital. What can I say? We progeeks have got to help those folks spend that investment money wisely.

I'm sure you see our listings here of “resume–worthy” companies. I'm sure you see them yourself when you read the news, glance over blogs, or read interesting e-mails from your fellow pros and friends. We all do it, looking at the company and saying "wow, it would be cool to work there."

We all say that. So let's make sure those of us looking for work follow-up on it as well.

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My Long and Twisted Journey, Part Two

(Jason Sacks of Comics Bulletin recently offered to document how his fandom experiences helped him grow for his fellow fans in a series of blog posts.  Thanks for guest posting Jason!)

As you might remember from part one of my little story, I had been a comics fan for many years but lack of time and money pretty much drove me away from my passion. Without sufficient time or money, I had no way of turning my passion into anything close to a career.

But after I had found a good job and reconnected with some old friends, my whole attitude turned around.

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