My Long and Twisted Journey, Part One

(Jason Sacks of Comics Bulletin recently offered to document how his fandom experiences helped him grow for his fellow fans in a series of blog posts.  Thanks for guest posting Jason!)

It's weird, sometimes, how you don't notice how much you miss something till you have it back. And how once you have something back, how that items becomes a huge part of your life.

Let me explain what I mean, but first let me give you a bit of digression to give you some context on what I mean.

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How to Jumpstart Your Career With a Blog

(This is a guest post by Lauren Orsini.  Thanks Lauren!)
If you read Steven’s interview with me, you know that my blog was an important part of landing a new job. I always knew that blogging was a great way to record and share my passions, but I didn’t realize that it could also get me work.
I started my short-lived NaNoJobMo (a riff on NaNoWriMo) blog on November 1. The basis of NaNoWriMo is that anyone can be a novelist in a month as long as they plug away at it every day for 30 days. I thought I could apply the same logic to my job hunt. I would apply to a new job every day for 30 days, and I would do it publicly so the world could hold me accountable to my vow.

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Your Progeek Edge: Smell That Snake Oil!

To say the world is changing faster and faster is both A) an unabashed understatement, and B) a tiresome tirade that we see in too many lazy news commentaries (unlike this hard-working one, of course).   We progeeks and profanes, being wired and technical, know the world is changing fast – some of us are responsible for it for that matter.

The world is changing frighteningly fast because of, let me state the obvious, technology.  I imagine many a science fiction writer has watched the rate of change in the world and just thrown up their hands in frustration.  Technology is one of the major drivers of change in the modern world.

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