Epic Resume Go! The Guide!

This is a quick compendium of my resume guide based on my approach to resumes – that they tell stories.

In crafting a good resume, you are telling a tale of your past.  This tale tells of your ups and downs, triumphs, and ultimately your direction.  Done right, it makes the job you’re seeking be the appropriate “next chapter” in your tale.

Humans work via stories, so being able to tell a good one is important any time – and on a job search, it’s what can land you the job.

– Steven Savage

The Wall Goes Up

When my IT career first got really going, way back in 1995-1996, I had applied the "modern" tools of job searching.  These were advanced things like online job ads, fax modems, and so forth.  Yes, there was a time when people not only used faxes a lot, doing it from your computer was impressive.

So as my career progressed in 1996, I was speculating on my career and noting the role of technology in the job search.  I met people who were keeping up with technology in their job searches, and I sensed something happening, a division among people in how they used technology in their careers.  Technology was an "enhancer" and people using it would get more and better connected, and it would produce a cultural shift.

I christened it "The Wall."  As technology advanced, some people would be more on the "inside", connected by technology and social understanding to career opportunities, some would not keep up on the technical changes to the job search and career building and loose out.

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