Profandom And Healthy Competition?

You go to cons and there is a cosplay competition.

Online there's art competitions.

Wargaming conventions have endless battles.

Fandom, for all its friendly nature, likes a good bit of competition.  it's fun, it's challenging, it's exciting, it gets people going.

So I've been speculating – could this friendly competition be used towards the cause of progeekery?  Could we channel friendly fannish compettion to help people in their careers?

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More Thoughts on The Everything Wars

I've written about the Everything Wars a few times, and frankly, some of it seems to be sneaking up on me.

You may remember when I said that I felt the core of the Everything Wars was Microsoft, Google, and Apple, with tangents in the e-book area and gaming.

I think I was being kind.  It started that way, but the more I watch what's going on in the news, I think the Everything Wars have rapidly expanded.  Yes, Google, Microsoft, and Apple are core players, but it seems EVERYONE is jumping into the fray directly or tangentially (usually the latter).

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