Geek As Citizen: What Is A Geek?

As I mentioned last week, I’m going to be exploring the role of geeks as citizen. What is our place in a functional society? Where do we belong? Where are we needed? I think a lot of us kind of have an idea, but it’s worth exploring in an age where, almost accidentally, we kind of created modern society and to a lesser extent run it.

I’m not sure we intended to do this, but there you go. Me, I’d want better environmental policies and a reduction in stupid reality shows. But that’s for another time.

In order to actually ask “what is the ideal role of a citizen geek” we kind of have to define geek. I’ve taken a stab at it – many have taken a stab at it – and doubtlessly we’ll be arguing about it for years to come. But I’m going to make an effort (again) to try and do it at least to solidify my recent insights and give us a working theory.

Let me note that my definition is designed to be descriptive and not exclusionary.  I have no interest in promoting geek exclusion or exclusivity, there’s enough “not geek enough” garbage out there.  Instead I’m interested in it as a kind of demographic description – pretty much a case of “you are one if you think you’re one and identify as one.”

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Comics: The Leaders Aren’t Leading

Comics’ problem is that there’s no real leadership from the big names?

I’d say actually this is a problem in a lot of media.  No one takes chances, everyone is comfortable, and no one is really leading towards something.  There are times leadership is bottom up.

Do you feel like leading?

– Steven Savage

Link Roundup 8/16/2013

Well OK I guess this IS a trend.  Are Links back?  Probably.


Hackers of the renaissance.  The hacker ideal is older than we’d expect.  OK, actually the hacker ethic got named later, but you get the idea.  Filled with amusing information.


Samsung to introduce a watch-phone.  Dick Tracy jokes aside this is kind of interesting.  I think the smartwatch idea is probably a wash, but as a phone replacement/integration I can see some possibility and I have faith in Samsung.

Patch starts its layoffs.  No one is surprised.

– Steven Savage