You've probably heard about Peak Oil – sometimes its portrayed as "oil running out" but is really more "demand growing greter than we can get it out" (of which running out may be part of it).
I've been wondering about Peak Geek.
Writer, Agilist, Elder Geek
You've probably heard about Peak Oil – sometimes its portrayed as "oil running out" but is really more "demand growing greter than we can get it out" (of which running out may be part of it).
I've been wondering about Peak Geek.
I call myself a professional geek. I am quite proud to say that. Yet, oddly, I can remember when geek was an insulting term and not the definition–bordering–on–compliment it is today.
Or in short, I remember the 80s. If you don't, you're actually missing quite a lot, but I digress.
Now, being an old geek, I remember when the term was basically insulting, sort of a version of "egghead" and implying a kind of pathology or maladjustment. I remember when it was virtually the same as "nerd".
There are many things we can say a business is. A business is a tool to deliver goods, or do tasks. A businesses away to consolidate and in theory improve economic functions. A business is a way for people to effectively earn a living. There are many things indeed that we can say a business is.
(Yes, I could talk about corruption and so forth, but stick with me here.)
The business is also social institution and understanding that is important to analyze the future of businesses–when they actually have any.