Right now on the internet there's a lot of discussion on the book "Free", a book exploring, well, the impact of freeness (and the internet's way of delivering it) on business models. I've not read it yet, I probably should, if only to know where I'm going to fall on what appears to be a lot of inevitable arguments.
The discussions have made me speculate on the future of media – because media is a repository of geeky jobs. Comics, books, reviews, games, etc. What does free mean to us in such industries – or those of us who want to go into them. I will attempt to keep my thoughts somewhat above the level of "ramble".
So imagine you're going online to provide some media – a game, a comic, an online novel delivered in snippets, etc. You're going to do free because Free gets attention and there's a lot of competition. Here's what I think it means for you, the professional geek