So you've got some fellow fans, geeks, and otaku who are having a tough-time job wise. Maybe they just lost their job, maybe you've found your online or local community is plagued by unemployment. What can you do, fast, to help people out?
- Set up a message board topic or similar area on your gang/convention/group's website for job assistance and encourage people to help out.
- Make unemployment – and employment – a subject at your next gaming session, group get-together, etc. For that matter make a spinoff group until people's economic lives are less unpleasantly unemployment-focused.
- Do a whip-round in your mailing list or preferred social media to gather people's lists of recruiters, temp agonies, etc. and pass them out to those seeking employment.
- Make sure everyone in your fan group links to each other on LinkedIn and helps each other network.
- Collect people's resumes and distribute them to the group in case they hear of any openings – that can take just an evening.
- Hold an immediate online commiseration session. It'll feel good.
- Have everyone in your fan group go see if there are relevant openings at their companies. Set a deadline to report it.
Any other suggestions?