Media Adaptions, Books, And Why We Don’t Really Know Much

On his own blog, Serdar noted that in a way books aren’t being written as books anymore, they’re parts of franchises and larger efforts.  In turn, some books aren’t being thought of as books because of this – they’re franchises, or works that are made to transition over, or something else.

We discuss a lot of media transitions here, especially adaptions, which Scott has done a heroic job covering.  Those are important in the Geekonomy as they drive efforts and affect geek culture.  However one thing rarely discussed is that this is a comparatively new phenomena, and one we’re only now exploring as it’s new.

Right now things can go from book to TV, from video game to movie, from comic to game, from  . . . well you get the idea.  Merely looking at the ever-expanding media empire that is Star Wars, or the way “The Avengers” succeeded against all odds, gives you an idea of how far media translations and transformations can go.  It’s almost normal now to discuss what actor will play who in a film or what anime would be great as an adaption.

It just hasn’t been normal for most of human history.

How many movie or television adaptions only became viable when computer technology and special effects reached enough of a pinnacle to actually make them believable.

How many adaptions only exist because of chance-taking like HBO’s Game of Thrones that wouldn’t have taken chances a decade ago?

How many television shows, books, or comic adaptions wouldn’t have existed just due to cultural issues in the past

For that matter, so much technology we take for granted didn’t exist decades or a century ago.  I rather imagine radio adaptions seemed somehow radical at the time . . .

Then of course go back 200 years and 99% of what we discuss about adaptions is moot.  Your biggest worry was probably how well the play went or getting a certain book.  Hardly comparable to “Is Benedict Cumberbatch going to make a good Smaug?” being a big concern for people.

(The answer by the way, is yes).

So when we discuss adaptions, when we discuss what it means for culture or economics, we have to remember this really is new.  We have to remember that this is new in human history, in a serious new way.  We don’t have many models, we don’t have previous experiences, we don’t have a lot to extrapolate directly from.

We’re in new territory here, so when we discuss economics, careers, etc. there’s not a lot to go on.  Accepting that is going to make dealing with these crazy times and options easier, as we don’t have to delude ourselves to our level of knowledge.

We don’t have much.

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at

Our Gifts To The Historians Of The Future

Well, Chris Brown got into a Twitter tussle with a comedienne.  Warning, strong language, and a reminder of what a sexist jerk he is, if you needed the reminder.

Meanwhile, The Complex put together a list of Donald Trump’s 50 stupidest tweets.  I rather imagine they had to pare it down a lot.

So now between Twitter, screenshots, articles, backup databases, and browser caches, this kind of moronicism is archived forever.

Think of the future.  Think of the historians who will go through this digital embarrassment festival and what they’ll do with it.  History may have been written by the victors, but these days history is written onto disk drives, waiting to be discovered.  Hideous secrets and embarrassing truths will be dug up again and again.

History a hundred years from now will not be the same.

You’re welcome future historians who read this.  Also, kinda sorry about this crazy.

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at



Books As History: Your New Sales Tool?

So as we all know eBooks are selling like crazy.  Right now as we can read ebooks on multiple formats, on multiple devices, and save money, it's not surprising.  These eBook sales also bring up the usual question of what happens to print media (you know the one that comes up every few months)

As much as I love my Kindle and eBooks, I admit part of me wonders about the role permanence of the printed word.  A book can last.  A book can be read without a battery charger or a when locked out of an account.  A book is a record without strings attached.

So I'd like to postulate something that both sells more physical books and helps people appreciate them – something that may help you authors out there get your hard copies into people's hands.

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