Frustration Friday: Job Search Stupidity and The Unrequired Requirements

You know I'm frustrated with the craziness of the job search that affects so many people.  I could probably rant about that for many posts – and I probably will, knowing me.

One thing I note in the insanity of the job search is that among the inevitable laundry lists of skills, many job postings ask for sets of skills that A) most people probably have,  B) they could learn if said person is reasonably intelligent, or C) that they have similar skills to anyway so it doesn't matter very much.

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I Have a Job, They Don’t: Visiting TIme

I'm big on relocation – having moved across a country to do it – and because let's face it, economic opportunities (and the recovery) aren't uniform across the nation – or a state, or the world.  Sometimes you have to do it – now more than ever.

Of course is a location right for you – or for, say, a friend or family member looking to move there?  the best way to go is to A) know someone there, and B) visit them.

You see where this is going.

However, if you don't see it, here's something I advise – and have done.  Find that person engaged in a job search, and put them up for a short time (say a week or two) to scout the area you live out.

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I Have a Job, They Don’t: Sharing Resources

And here we are, yet again, discussing that painful, and all too common situation of having a job when her friends and family don't. And I, wanting to help my fellow professional geeks, have queued up another heaping helping of advice on what to do in the situation.

Tthe advice for this post? Start sharing their resources. You know, this job search sites you go to, or the newsletter should get, or the group you belong to. Share all the stuff we use constantly in her job search in our professional lives.

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