Bullestorm As Evolution

As we've seen in the last few months, I have a strange obsession with issues of originality and media. That obsession exists because we progeeks work in media, we consume media, we experiment and play with media in the form of fan fiction fan art and mods, and we improve by manipulating media. As originality is part of media and questions about the value of media, thus I obsess over it.

Also, people complain about unoriginality all the time, so by addressing it I hope to explore issues about originality, media, and consumption. Also I'm just a curious guy that will analyze anything; come on you know that by now.

One last subjects are talked about was that originality seem to be most useful to creating media sales and interest was part of the gradual evolution of a game concept, literary concept, genre, and so on. I may have just found the perfect example of a successful implementation of originality–and-gradual-evolution in the form of the game "Bulletstorm."

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Speculation on ‘Content Farms’

And what's the word in media today my fellow geeks? Two words actually, "Content Farms".

Yes, suddenly Content Farms are in the news, in the wake of AOL's acquisition of the Huffington Post (and AOLs own strategies), search engine loading, and more. I'm concerned that "Content Farm" is going to become a big new buzzword–so in short I'm concerned about how people are concerned.

Don't get me wrong, Content Farming in its worst manifestations is pretty freaking annoying. I understand the need to generate content (after all I'm a content myself), and I do believe some companies, industries, and so forth may go too far. Making low-quality or no-quality content just to get hits and drive up advertising is something I have a problem with.

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The Originality/Unoriginality Barrier: Gradual Evolution.

(Not done writing about originality yet.  Regular poster Serdar noted that my ideas addressing originality suggested that highly original people can and should address using their ideas via gradual evolution, and that gradual evolution of media was an ideal. I want to address that).

I've been writing a lot about originality in media lately.  This is entirely understandable because originality is a big topic in media – in an age of remakes and the shockingly innovative it's going to be something prominent in people's minds.  It's also an important subject because people feel very passionate about it – as I noted there are many psychological/cultural factors to a love of originality.

My conclusions actually were that originality is actually not a prime driver in media consumption – socializabitility is.  People's interests in media were often heavily influenced by what they can share with and enjoy with others.  Originality, in turn, was most important when it helped with that social factor.

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