Time for a quick roundup on the Game Consoles!

Thanks to Kotaku they have a good roundup of all the console news:

I also expect a summary of the Wii U as well.

Plus ANOTHER android game console:

It seems the XBox/PS4 rivalry is pretty strong, though I think they’re pitching at different audiences.  As for Android consoles, having three or so now is interesting, since they can draw from a similar install base.

– Steve

Home Theater PC Speculations

So last week I detailed my experiences with a sort-of Home Theater PC (HTPC), namely a laptop where I got experimental.  I noted that I would discuss their place in the economy and the career implications.  This of course, is that column because hey, I promised.

And here’s the answer: Not yet because there are way, way too many possible use cases and no real settled technologies, and what comes eventually will be gradual.

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