Fannish Skills On The Job Search – Organization

So last week we talked about how your fan-based networking skills may help on the job search.  There's oe more issue I want to address – and its a skillset that many geeks, fans, otaku, gamers, etc. develop in their hobbies that they don't realize nearly enough.


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Frustration Friday: Get Organized

Many is the time I hear people decry their failure in their careers.  They will say they have skills (which they do).  They will note they have passion (which they do).  They will state they understand an industry (which they indeed do).  Yet their careers aren't going anywhere.

When I encounter these situations, there's one question to ask:

"Well, how organized are you?"

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Book Review: Getting Things Done by David Allen

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
by David Allen
# ISBN-10: 0142000280
# ISBN-13: 978-0142000281


  • Presents a serious, workable system for getting organizing.
  • Explores the psychology of organization and planning.
  • Easy to read and very personable.


  • The book's hardcore approach to organization may not work for everyone.

If you're willing to take a shot at re-organizing the way you organize your life, this is a must-read book. 

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