Persona Branding For Progeeks #2 – Finding Your Brand

Last week I discussed just why Personal Branding is important for geeks in their careers – and in some ways more important than usual for information-driven folks like ourselves.  So the question comes down next – how do you do it?

Well, I could point you at "Me 2.0", (which got updated), which you should read.  But I'd also like to share my philosophy on the subject.

So here's a quick-and-dirty guide to personal branding – as a Progeek.

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Professional Branding For Progeeks #1 – What and Why?

Let me be up front: the economy sucks, the job search sucks and is made worse by ossified HR and put-upon recruiters. So, anything that's wrong in the job search is at best, only half your fault.  That being said, it's time to look deeper at one thing that can help your job search and indeed your whole career even if self-employed.

Personal Branding.  Yeah, don't groan.

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A Geek Icon’s Web Page

Jeff Bridges is one of those understated geek icons – in many geeky films (Tron for the gods' sake), but also calmly going along and doing his thing.

His web page is a fount of awesome, and one of the most unique personal/professional pages I've seen.

Go and experience it.

Steven Savage