The Originality Trap: Why We Fear Unoriginality

Last week I noted that originality didn't always sell for entirely understandable reasons.  This reason was the simple fact that humans socialize via their media choices and interests, and originality did not necessarily play into that.  Sometimes originality produced social bonding, sometime common and derived media did, but the originality's importance was not in its existence, but what it meant for social connection.  Originality just is not as vital as we may think for people's choices, nor is not chosing something original a personal failing.

As I examined the issue of originality I began to wonder why so often creative people obsess over originality.  Why do we fear being unoriginal?  Why do we fear ideas we have are derivative?  Why does the fear of unoriginality cripple some (I'm sure we've ll been there or known someone who has been).  It was worth analyzing.

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Christmas, Economics, and The Holiday Spirit

It seems that in this Holiday Season, a lot of people I know didn't feel very much Christmas Spirit.   When I talked to them they said not only they didn't much "sense of the Holiday", but neither did many of their friends.  This seeming lack of a Yuletide enthusiasm had me curious, as such things appeal to my psychologist-side, but I couldn't find an answer  – until a talk with a  co-worker helped clear things up for me.

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The Fake You And The Real You

I'm guessing there's a very good chance that, in your career you're not quite "yourself."  You've got a lot of things you do to get through the day, a lot you put up with, a lot you do or don't do that you dislike.  My guess is you do these things to protect the "real you."

You know what I'm talking about.  You're not taking that initiative at work because you don't want to make waves.  You're not relocating to that place you want because it takes too long to plan.  You're not taking that class you want to take because you want to be in the "right frame of mind."  You don't speak your mind to people because people won't get the real you.

Know what?  You've got a Fake You defending the Real You.  You're probably busy protecting the Real You right now so some day that Real You can get out and do its things.  Except you've got it backwards.

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