Frustration Friday: Bye-Bye Retirement Plan

Man I miss my retirement plan.

Oh it's not I don't have one, or am not working on one, it's just I miss the one I had before the Great Recession.  The one that was soberly planned, carefully laid out, and based on what turned out to be a naive idea of some levels of market stability and predictability.  Sure I had ups and downs in mind, but not the entire re-alignment of the world financial system.

You know what I'm talking about.

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Frustration Friday: Networking 101 Is With Us Forever


OK, you're tired of hearing about it.  Every book you read on job searching mentions networking.  Job counselors recommend networking.  *I* recommend networking as do other bloggers.

Guess what?  I like networking, but *I* am getting tired of hearing constantly how it's the key to getting an ideal job – because by now I know it.  A lot of people know it.

So why is it we constantly are bombarded with the "networking message" despite the fact we've gotten it?

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