Sailor Moon Book Update 4/27/2016

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Whew, haven’t had one of these in awhile. So where’s the book?

AT THE EDITOR.  Yes, I am so glad!

The latest copy, fully set up as a book, is also off to the pre-readers. Ok not perfect (it lacks the physical print format) but close.

This is a big milestone for us as the book is that much closer to being real. We get it back from the editor sometime in June, and then after an editing binge, it’s done. Finished. Ready to print.

I’m pretty proud of it actually. The final run on it, the formatting, getting the chapter titles right, the final edit, really brought it together. It finally feels like a book, and one with a unified theme and feel.

It just needs that thorough edit to make it completely ready to go.

Of course the print formatting and the like can be a bit of a pill. I’ve got it mostly done as a system, but the preprint work is the real pain in the keister – because covers can be a nightmare and print reveals all sorts of problems. But at least by then its just a matter of time.

We’re already planning to book at least one podcast near the time, and plan to reach out to more, probably pacing ourselves before and after it reelases.

If you want to review it, let us know!

– Steve

Sailor Moon Book Update 4-5-2016!

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

So where are we with the Sailor Moon Book?

Editing the hell out of it.

So right now, Bonnie and I are in the final editing run before it goes to editor.  I just finished mine, and it’s her turn now.  We’re doing these as separate runs as it’s a lot easier.

Our big issue is actually chapter structure, and we found that there’s really two kinds of chapters in this book (and one or two that are fusions).  Some are narratives, others are lists.  The former look at a common story or pattern in fan’s lives, the other is about related phenomena that aren’t necessarily linear.  The show’s “wow” impact is a narrative, the impact on hobbies and careers is about non-linear phenomena.  Now that we see this I think we can sort out the structure of the one or two troublesome chapters.

After this at the end of the month, the book gets wrapped up into a prepublishing document.  Essentially its a document ready to publish – sans page-break formatting – that goes to the editor.  Then it goes to the editor (and contributors).  That’s a two-month process, though we’ll see how it goes as I wouldn’t be surprised if this editor gets through it quick – it’s not a huge book.

We’ll then take a month or so to integrate the edits and get ready to publish.  We’re still targeting September.

I will be speaking at Kraken-Con and hope to speak at Fanime with Bonnie as well!  We’ll be revealing more as we head towards publishing.

– Steve

Update – Sailor Moon Book!

Well here’s the latest update on the Sailor Moon Book . . . the research phase is done!

. . . this is not exciting as it sounds.  First, because we’re not doing an in-depth historical book so it’s pretty basic.  Secondly, most information on Sailor Moon is limited, biased, or piecemeal.  The best sources for discussing the experience were Sailor Moon Reflections and Warriors of Legend – both of which ironically focused on aspects of Sailor Moon different from our focus.  Go figure.

The biggest surprise so far seems to be the ill-explored history of Magical Girls.  Everyone traces it back to Sally the Witch, but Sailor Moon seems closer to Princess Comet (the manga, not the 2000’s anime based on it), but there’s really little on that series.  Probably worth revisiting.

Meanwhile Bonnie finished editing the entire book, and integrated new interviews, so now I’m taking this week to do an editing run.  As the book itself is roughly 120-140 pages that’ll go pretty quick.  In fact, I’m rather glad it’s not voluminous – it’s got a friendly, intimate feel.  It’s like a documentary or series of con panels s a book, and we’ve kept a bit of an informal feel inside the formal organization.

Once I do that pass it’s time for her and I to sit down and read it together – then it goes to prereaders and contributors.

Still not dropping until September or so – sorry folks, we want this done right.  But if we can accelerate it . . .

  • Steve