Social Media, Starlog, and More: Link Roundup 12/24/2014

Just Freaking Cool




  • A consumer’s guide to news – Older, but a good reminder these days when news happens fast and social media makes it more complicated at times.  Speaking of . . .

Social Media

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, publishes books on career and culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at

Ask A Progeek: My future or current job?

And our “Ask A Progeek Question” today is . . .

In filling out an online profile (such as on Linked In), what should you list as your job; the one you have or the one you want?

First, kudos on using online profiles.  They’re pretty much indispensable to the job search.  This has been my normal, pathetic, pimping of LinkedIn.

Now beyond that, what do you do?

First, you put the job you’re actually doing in there.  People aren’t looking for your hopes and dreams (in most cases) and putting something else in there that you’re not can look awful deceptive.

But  . . . you do need to communicate your hopes, skills, and dreams.  So let’s look at ways to do that.

Summary: Many profiles (LinkedIn included) have a summary section.  You can put your hopes/dreams/ambitions in there.

Skills: If you have skills relevant to your ambitions (but not your current job), put them in any skills profiles.

Jobs: If you have a hobby that’s also joblike, you may want to put it in your profile so people can see what you do – and so you can get recommendations.  This is a bit of a fine line as it may make you look like you’re disloyal or splint in your ambitions – or it may make you look ambitious and forward thinking.

This is something I do even though I have a job and a career – I have an entry for my side hobbies so people can learn more about me.  Since it walks the line between hobby and job, I like to include it.

Other Areas: Listings of publications, hobbies, associations, etc. also lets you communicate your interests and ambitions.  If you don’t work in gaming, but belong to the IGDA, that says something.

As always, the goal is to communicate who you are.  You don’t want to say the wrong thing in the wrong place, but you do want to say the right things.

Steven Savage

An RPG/Series Mix?

An interesting Facebook game that’s a kind of modular RPG that’s story focused.

An intriguing idea, mostly because it takes things we’ve seen before (RPGs, modularity, social media, etc.) but actually involves more a realization of what can be done to create a tighter media experience.  There’s a Kickstarter involved, so you know what do to.

There’s so many fascinating unusual game projects out there I think we almost need a catalogue fo them all.  That’s a hint by the way.

Steven Savage