An RPG/Series Mix?

An interesting Facebook game that’s a kind of modular RPG that’s story focused.

An intriguing idea, mostly because it takes things we’ve seen before (RPGs, modularity, social media, etc.) but actually involves more a realization of what can be done to create a tighter media experience.  There’s a Kickstarter involved, so you know what do to.

There’s so many fascinating unusual game projects out there I think we almost need a catalogue fo them all.  That’s a hint by the way.

Steven Savage

Go Farther: The SocialBox


So Google's Hangouts may be a killer app:  The article – and indeed Hangouts itself – emphasize what people want in social tech: immediate, human connectivity.

This got me thinking, which is not unusual.  Hangouts, Skype, Facebook chat, all point me towards what I believe could be the future social "killer app;" indeed a service so needed I expect multiple companies to try and make it.  I'll call it The SocialBox.

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Many Platforms, Many Choices: Gaming and Socialization

I've been talking a lot about the role of socialization in media in the last few weeks.  I came to the conclusion that the social connection we get is usually more important than traits like originality (or at times, familiarity).  I based my theories off my various readings (such as Starstruck's theories on socializing), watching the phenomena, and pure intuition, and I believe in an abstract way, I really did hit on something.

My experience became less abstract recently, in a way that I think further confirms my basic theory: the ability to experience social ties with a media is a major part of what we choose.

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