Leverage – Literally

Leverage – Literally

"Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the earth with a lever" – Archimedes

"Give me the right program and I'll get this damn job done twenty times faster" – Steven Savage, many times.

I talk about leveraging technology a lot here, meaning taking advantage of the power of technology for our lives and career.  The word "leverage" is used casually by many people (including myself), but when it comes to technology, understanding that word is a key to using technology effectively.  If you understand the concept of "leverage" you have a very powerful tool for evaluating the usefulness of any given piece of technology.

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The Production Revolution Isn’t For All: Money

I've been spending the last few columns on the Production Revolution, the changes in technology that let any of us produce media.  Specifically I've been bringing up the factors that limit people from taking advantage of the  tools and technologies available to them and making successful media careers or side businesses.  I've discussed the limiting factors of lack of time, the lack of technical skill, and the lack of marketing skill.

I'm not finished discussing the traumatic truths of the Production Revolution limits yet – I've got one more reason why the new tools and tech out there aren't going to turn everyone into a potential artist, musician, or popular author.


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