The Production Revolution Isn’t For All: Time

Self-publishing.  Webcomics.  Game design tools.  Art programs.

Give yourself an hour and you can find the tools to let most anyone with some skill be a media creator.  You can make books, games, etc. that you could never dream of years ago, and get them to a waiting audience.

Now of course you know I've been a bit cynical that this explosion of tools will also mean a creative renaissance, a kind of "Production Revolution" of media.  My own research, my own experience, has been very informative, so let me put it straight:

All these tools may mean that there's a chance for more people to get out their dream comic/video/game/book/movie and so on.  But there are still many barriers to their chances to do this.  These are not barriers of distribution or technology (which are changing).  These are personal barriers.

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The Fluctuating Future of Free

(Yes, I'm still analyzing Free, Freemium, et. al).

So as I've noted many times – and as can be noted elsewhere – giving things away for free builds trust and you can make money with Freemium.  Building trust with free items is an old technique that sadly seems to need to keep being relearned by people.

Free as is rather obvious, is common now with free game demos, free comics, free online books, Freemium games, etc.  We're awash in free things.

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