Steve’s Update 9/5/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Two giveaways are in progress!

A School of Many Futures is assembled! Now it’s one final spellcheck on the entire document just in case, some formatting tweaks, finishing the cover, and eBook formatting. My worry – ironically – is the cover, which is very experimental. I may do that last and accept that if it looks bad in print, I can switch it.

“The Agile Writer’s Mindset”: Hasn’t been on my mind as much for obvious reasons. I’m debating brainstorming WITH you folks on it . . .

The Way With Worlds series: Yeah, we know, not until November, covers coming whenever.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite: Three generators left, though it’s been a little hard right now with work and a very, very hard to find bug in the superhero name generator. Starting to kick around an idea – maybe I launch with most generators and just get the oddballs later? I also need to work out a rerouting system for the old generators.

Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 8/22/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

First, I’m back to a lot of giveaways:

A School of Many Futures grammar check is done, so now it’s assembling the core document and final tweaks. Then I have to break up the chapters. Still on schedule, but this assembly part seems boring (and I have to check hundreds of pages of formatting).

“The Agile Writer’s Mindset” is coming along, at least in my head. The idea is a more “template-driven” guide than Agile Creativity. I want something where different lessons follow different patterns.

The Way With Worlds series still not back until November. Sorry.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite looks good. I have four more generators to fix up then it’s on to full conversion and test deploys!

Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 8/1/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Let’s get a quick update on where I am! And that is exhausted!

It’s been a long two weeks of all sorts of changes, interruptions, distractions, etc. I’ve kept up on things, but just barely and a few things have slipped. Really a perfect storm of just everything. Plus side, I got an air fryer.

Now the update!


A School of Many Futures: I start the grammar check and a final editor readthrough. Then it’s on to assembling and converting the document! Looking good, though my release may end up being a few days into September (see above)

Agile Books: The next book on Agile and Writing is percolating away. However I probably won’t start it until October or November, so release is almost certainly in 2022.

The Way With Worlds series: Still on schedule for November for the next book on disasters (which will use the new cover style). Still no plan to alter the other covers, but I will start before end of year. I confess it’s tempting to do it all over the holidays, but also that’s sorta exhausting.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite: Held off a bit this week except for research on efficient launches. My big issue is making sure I’ve got the best python versioning setup so I don’t get behind (or quashed by an update). Still thinking we won’t see this until December or so.

Steven Savage