Way With World Update 4/28/2016

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, www.SeventhSanctum.com, and Steve’s Tumblr)

The update on my first book on Worldbuilding is . . . further along than expected.

After the long editing process, the formatting for print went well (probably as I had done a lot of the basics before sending it to the editor). I’m going to format the Kindle version next – not just to get it out of the way, but because doing so also acts as yet another read-through.  I actually will do that this weekend.

Once that’s done, I’ll set up the cover and a sample doc and start running print copies. I still plan to release in July even if this goes well, just because I have so much else on my plate.

Besides, Book 2 comes back from the editor end of May or so . . . and I still have the Sailor Moon book.

Though the big worry there is, as noted elsewhere, the cover.  Fan To Pro‘s cover was a total pain.

I’m pretty pleased with the book, but admit there’s times it comes off a bit artsy.  I think that’s the intention, but it contrasts with my usual instructional style.  It’s nice to see different voices in my writing – and I am hoping to broaden out even further.  I think I need to develop more “voices.”

The content is definitely solid.  There’s parts I’m seriously proud of, such as my exploration of worldbuidling sex, meditations on power, and my work on magic and technology.  I think people can learn a lot from this – even if they disagree with me (and there are places I see folks will differ).

And book two, well, that’s when I dive into some serious details . . .


– Steve

Way With Worlds Update 4-4-2016!

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, www.SeventhSanctum.com, and Steve’s Tumblr)

Been awhile since a Way With Worlds Update!  So let’s find out where we are on my essays-rewritten-and-now-a-book on worldbuilding.

First, there’s a web page for the first book that gives you some idea of what I’m up to.  You can also see the sample cover art – and you’re going to love the final cover!

I also got the book back from my editor.  My editor is a “word of God type editor” – when it’s edited it’s done.  So I spent an entire day going through her edits for the first book.  After about ten hours of work, I have a book that is mostly ready for publication.  One more read through and it’s ready for publishing (which itself is going to take a few months).

This brings up a really good lessons – there are several kinds of editors and you have to know how to work with them.  Some are like a friendly guide with advice.  Others are the Word Of God.  Yet others are instructional.  Each is different and you have to figure which works for you, your works, and your goals.

For instance, these books, though being creative and chatty are instructional.  I needed a Word Of God editor on them.

On the other hand, some of my more intimate career books need a lighter touch as an editor.  They’re chatty and friendly.

My upcoming Sailor Moon book has yet a different editor, a fansourced editor with an academic background and a fandom background, which seems perfect.

Now there’s also been a few schedule changes, so let’s recap!

  • The First Book is out end of July as planned.
  • The Second Book is out the end of October.  It was originally August, but between the editor’s needs, my schedule, and the fact it’s damn stupid to put a sequel out a month later.
  • After that is still a special surprise.  Stay tuned.

I think you folks are going to love the books.  It’s really my near-final word on Worldbuilding, and there’s a wealth of worldbuilding advice.

– Steve

Update – Way With Worlds

OK, so where am I with Way With Worlds?  Here, let’s break it into bullet points to make it easier.

  • I am/will be putting in the prereader feedback soon.  That’s a bit behind, but that’s the way it goes.  I hope to do this by EOM.
  • Then the book ships to my editor, which is easy because that’s called “asking my roommate to do it.”  My roommate is a professional tech writer and document manager, so it’s going to be some serious quality work.
  • I hope for the editing to take two months with a month for followup.  It may go quicker.
  • The cover artist has been engaged and I’ve seen a draft for Book 1 already.  I like this enough it may be poster-worthy.
  • I want to drop book #1 in June and Book #2 in August.  That’s the plan, barring any interruptions
  • There will be followup work.

At this rate I don’t know what else to say except to occasionally post updates.

– Steve