The End Of The World As We Don’t Know It

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

My friend Serdar talked about about his disinterest in writing post-apocalyptic fiction at his blog. I wanted to add my own thoughts on this because most apocalyptic stuff and even post-apocalyptic stuff feels boring and inaccurate. As Serdar puts it, its best to take things as Mad Max like mythology, a sort of lesson or metaphor.

As for the rest of the apocalypses . . .

Most fictional post-apocalypse tales are boring, repetitive, and the same stuff. I’ve been watching enough bad-movies that took Mad Max and gave us so many battles in tight leather pants that it’s like 80’s hair bands went to war. There’s so many Zombie movies it’s a running joke that rarely explores the implications of having zombies. Most of our fictional apocalypses have been done so over and over again there’s nothing to learn or take from it – if there ever was much in the first place.

We’ve recycled our apocalypses and our post-apocalypses, so most of them are going through the motions. Most of the apocalypses are zombies, even if they lack zombies.

In addition, real post-apocalypses don’t fictionalize well.

First, some apocalypses are boring. We’re living through a low-level apocalypses now with COVID-19, and it’s not that interesting. Disasters are often not action-packed or dramatic tales, they’re the slow grind, the surviving-enough, the unending grayness of endings. Fiction doesn’t cover that.

Other apocalypses and post-apocalypses ignore or glorify the horror. We’ve had plenty of apocalyptic bombings and and disasters, we’ve had horrors and terrible mass deaths. So much fiction either grinds our face in the blood and turns it into a show, leaving us with that queasy sense of watching apocalypse pornography. Others try to ignore the horror, because it’s so horrible, building fiction around it until it’s drained of meaning.

Good apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction exists, but it takes a person that can write, that explores, that understands the subjects. It is rare, because it is difficult.

This is why my current fiction, the Avenoth series, is what I call post-post apocalypse. I’m not interested in the end of the world (in this case, a devastating war that killed 3/4 of the planet) or the immediate post-apocalypse. Instead it’s about a rebuilt world, so we see the impact of the apocalypse and post-apocalypse, but are far enough in the future to see the meaning of it all. I want a tale of healed scars and a new society with memory, where we understand the past by looking at the present.

Besides, some of these post-post apocalypses have powerful impact. When the world is grinding away or the blood is spilling, it’s hard to see what it means in the whole.

But afterwards? Afterwards is when you can look back on the works of the past, and despair properly.

Steven Savage

My Book Roundup 4/2/2020

I write a lot and have quite a few books.  So now and then I’m going to post a roundup of them for interested parties!

My sites:


I’ve been returning to fiction with a techno-fantasy setting of several planets orbiting a star called Avenoth.  Take a typical fantasy world of magic and gods, and let it evolve into the space age and internet age . . .

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet – Two future teachers of Techno-Magical safety find trying to earn their credentials hunting odd artifacts backfires when you’re hired to put some back . . . on a planet where gods go to die!

The Way With Worlds Series

This is what I do a lot of – writing on worldbuilding!.  You can find all of my books at

The core books of the series will help you get going:

  • Way With Worlds Book 1 – Discusses my philosophy of worldbuilding and world creation essentials.
  • Way With Worlds Book 2 – Looks at common subjects of worldbuilding like conflicts in your setting, skills for being a good worldbuilder, and more!

When you need to focus on specifics of worldbuilding, I have an ever-growing series of deep dive minibooks.  Each provides fifty questions with additional exercises and ideas to help you focus on one subject important to you!

The current subjects are:


I’m the kind of person that studies how creativity works, and I’ve distilled my findings and advice into some helpful books!

  • The Power Of Creative Paths – Explores my theories of the Five Types of Creativity, how you can find yours, and how to expand your creative skills to use more Types of Creativity.
  • Agile Creativity – I take the Agile Manifesto, a guide to adaptable project development, and show how it can help creatives improve their work – and stay organized without being overwhelmed.
  • The Art of The Brainstorm Book – A quick guide to using a simple notebook to improve brainstorming, reduce the stress around having new ideas, and prioritize your latest inspirations.
  • Chance’s Muse – I take everything I learned at Seventh Sanctum and my love of random tables and charts and detail how randomness can produce inspiration!


Being a “Professional Geek” is what I do – I turned my interests into a career and have been doing my best to turn that into advice.  The following books are my ways of helping out!

  • Fan To Pro – My “flagship” book on using hobbies and interests in your career – and not always in ways you’d think!
  • Skill Portability – A quick guide to how to move skills from one job to another, or even from hobbies into your job.  Try out my “DARE” system and asses your abilities!
  • Resume Plus – A guide to jazzing up a resume, sometimes to extreme measures.
  • Epic Resume Go! – Make a resume a creative act so it’s both better and more enjoyable to make!
  • Quest For Employment – Where I distill down my job search experiences and ways to take the search further.
  • Cosplay, Costuming, and Careers – An interview-driven book about ways to leverage cosplay interests to help your career!
  • Fanart, Fanartists, and Careers – My second interview-driven book about ways to leverage fanart to help your career!
  • Convention Career Connection – A system for coming up with good career panels for conventions!


  • Her Eternal Moonlight – My co-author Bonnie and I analyze the impact Sailor Moon had on women’s lives when it first came to North America.  Based on a series of interviews, there’s a lot to analyze here, and surprisingly consistent themes . . .

Why I Wrote It: Way With Worlds 1 and 2

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Way With Worlds, both the core books and the minibooks, have their origins in the murky early days of the internet.

We’re going back to and and the rest. Strap into the Wayback machine.

So way, way early in the internet days, I think maybe 2000 or something, I became aware of the sheer talent in fandom. The internet jacked everything up to 11 and you just saw so much power, especially for writers. Fanfiction, original fiction, AUs, all of it was exploding across the internet (as well as freaking out some company’s legal offices).

Now I’d always been big on Worldbuilding from my ‘zine and RPG days. I love making a good setting and was developing original works myself. I’d also been on one major shared-universe project as an editor, and that taught me a lot about setting creation. Seeing so many people creating made me think I should share some advice.

So Way With Worlds started on Then it spread to And I wrote.

And kept writing.

And kept writing.

Even when I stopped, I posted the old works up at, my generator website. I would get emails about it now and then, over the years.

I can’t say they were the best written thing. Some were great. Some were just rants in organized forms. But they did reach a lot of people, and that was important; my goal was to empower people.

But if they weren’t the best written, they obviously reached people. Still, one learns over time, and if people still wrote me about Way With Worlds why not improve it . . .

Thus I set forth a project to rewrite Way With Worlds, I think around 2014. I would improve and expand upon them, and update them for modern times where more and more people were self-publishing. As I recall, it took at least a year to do – and it gave me even more feedback from my readers.

That feedback also included memories and thanks from previous readers. That’s when I realized there was one more step – people should be able to get my columns in an even more refined form – books.

I was literally thinking about rewriting and rewrite to put it in another form. That seemed weird to me, but then I realized this made a lot of sense. A book is easy for some people to read as opposed to a bunch of blog posts. A book is a way to present select columns and expand on them. A book also let me update all the stuff I learned in an update.

Thus I rewrote the rewrite and turned it into two books. This was educational.

Remember how I said a book presented data differently and gave you options? Yeah, its a totally different mindset. I had to ask how columns were associated with each other. I had to ask how they did and didn’t work together. A book is curated and I had to curate my own work into a more formal format.

I gained a lot more respect for people who blog-then-book. I could see how it helped, but also required transforming works in different ways.

Thus in 2016 the first book came out, where I expounded on my basic philosophy. Book 1 is a fun, tight, interesting read that helps people adapt a mindset appropriate to worldbuilding. In retrospective, it was a bit like the way Agile discusses both Philosophy and Method.

But there were also tons of columns left over! Good ones! So I created Book 2 to round up deep dives on certain subjects (not as specific as others, hang in there). They paired nicely – core philosophy, then deep dives on important subjects. It was a great two-book series.

On top of that, I had killer book covers, great editors, and they were quality product. They really were a different animal than the columns, and I felt like I’d evolved my work to a final state. I guess it was sort of Pokemon of writing.

But it wasn’t over yet.

Some years before I did Fan To Pro I’d kicked around ideas about writing career guides that coached people with friendly questions – kind of like sitting in a coffee shop with me. I came up with the idea to do this for Worldbuilding subjects, especially ones that were important to me. I would use them as fun tie-ins to the core books.

They took off like crazy. People loved the idea of personal, coaching, deep looks at specific subjects. I also enjoyed writing them, so . . . now I write one every few months. People keep reading them.

So that’s how it began. Early internet posts re-evolved to modern times. Modern rewrites evolved into books. These books inspired simple tie-ins that became their own thing.

Everything evolved, often surprisingly. It was also totally worth it.

So what lessons are there for you:

  • Feedback matters. Give it to inspire and direct people. Take it to remember your work matters to people – and it can be better.
  • It’s worth updating old posts if they help people. You evolve and change, people do, so update your best advice to be better.
  • Blog-to-book or columns-to-book is very legitimate (and has been done for decades). It also gives you options and direction that blog-style writing doesn’t. Converting something to a book makes you think.
  • Experiment with your writing, including things you publish. It gives you feedback, and you may find paths you never expected.
  • You never know 100% what’s going to happen. So be open to new ideas.

So that’s the story. Will I ever re-re-rewrite them? Probably not. I might update the core books with some tweaks, or polish or correct some things in the minibooks, but they’re pretty stable. Of course they’re stable because I learned so much from rewriting . . .

Steven Savage